Scott Rohrbach


Scott Rohrbach is responsible for underwriting and negotiating acquisitions, dispositions and supports asset underwriting and management.

Bringing more than 12 years of experience with institutional grade real estate he has been involved in more than $500 million worth of transactions in the past six years. Scott is cross-trained in contract negotiation, asset management and leasing.

Prior to working with Axis, Scott worked with one of the largest commercial real estate advisors in the State of Florida

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. He also served as a senior consultant for Argus Financial Software, where he was a recognized expert in commercial real estate valuation. Further exemplifying his valuation expertise, he was invited to be a guest speaker for the real estate graduate classes at such esteemed institutions as Columbia University and Texas A&M.

Scott graduated from Texas State University (previously known as Southwest Texas State University) with a Bachelor of Science.

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