Jose Padilla
Founder and Managing Principal
Jose Padilla, Founder and Partner, is responsible for acquisitions, strategic planning, capital formation and operations.
Prior to the formation of Axis, Jose was the principal and founder of St. Augustine Real Estate Advisors (SAREA), a boutique commercial real estate services firm providing tenant occupancy services to Global Fortune 500 companies in Europe, North America, and Asia.
Jose also previously worked with Cushman & Wakefield of Florida, Codina Bush Klein Realty (now known as Flagler Development), and the Doran Jason Company of Miami
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. Jose’s major role within these companies was providing agency/tenant representation as well as income and land disposition services. In the mid-1980’s he was a founding member of RealData Information Systems, a subsidiary of Blumberg Capital Partners, a leading real estate advisory and consulting firm in Miami.
Jose received his Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration with a concentration in Corporate and Real Estate Finance from the University of Miami. He also obtained a Masters in Business Administration and a Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from the University of Miami.